Contact us

Our lab is in the fourth floor of new building (part B) on Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Head of laboratory Professor dr.  Janez Trontelj

Office: BN408

Phone no.: + 386 1 4768 333

Email: janez.trontelj1[at]

Secretary Ivica Bertocchi

Office: BN417

Phone no.: + 386 1 4768 335

Fax: + 386 1 4264 644

Email: ibertocchi[at]

Professor dr. Drago Strle

Office: BN 409

Phone no.: + 386 1 4768 847

Email: drago.strle[at]

Joung researcher Žiga Šmelcer

Laboratory: BN 416

Phone no.: +386 1 4768 317

Email: dziga.smelcer[at]

Joung researcher  Ajda Tuševski

Laboratory: BN 416

Phone no.: +386 1 4768 726

Email: ajda.tusevski[at]