Courses from previous study program

According to the previous study program, before study program renovation there were three courses:

  • Measurements in electronics,
  • Measurements in telecommunications and
  • Microelectronic technologies

Most of the materials from electronics and telecommunications – particularly the courses about the systems and the elements are today included in new study program courses. Also the course about microelectronic technologies content is kept as Analog integrated circuits and systems course, today with emphasis on newer technologies and techniques. Unfortunately the content about measurement in electronics and telecommunications, which is important for future engineers, which delivered definition about basic problems of sensitive measurements systems and the impact on the final results, is not included in today’s courses any more .


Professor: Prof.dr Janez Trotnelj

Assistants: Asoc. prof.dr. Anton Pleteršek, dr. Drago Strle and dr. Aleksander Sešek