![Obisk dijakov iz vegove šole 2024](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240618_090545-194x120.jpg)
Obisk dijakov iz vegove šole 2024
18. 6. 2024 so laboratorij za mikroelektroniko obiskali dijaki iz vegove šole. Sprejel jih je vodja laboratorija prof. Janez Trontelj in nato so jim tehnologi razkazali postopke izdelave čipa, ki zajemajo izdelavo v čistih prostorih, testiranje in bondiranje.
![ERK 2021](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ieee50-194x61.png)
ERK 2021
30th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2021 The ERK 2021 conference was held on September 20-21, 2021 in Congress Center Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana and other Slovenian professional societies. The Conference is bilingual, with presentations in English and Slovenian. Conference […]
![Midem 2021](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/logotip-MIDEM-194x120.gif)
Midem 2021
The conference and the Workshop was held at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia on September 22nd – 24th, 2021 The 56th International Conference on MIcroelectronics, DEvices and Materials, MIDEM 2021, continues the tradition of annual international conferences organized by the MIDEM Society. These conferences have always attracted a large number of Slovene and foreign experts working […]
ERK 2020
Devetindvajseta mednarodna Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca (IEEE, Slovenia section)21. – 22. September 2020, Hotel Bernardin, Portorož Konferenca je letos potekala pod strogimi sanitarnimi pravili zaradi Covid-19. Kljub temu pa je ponudila veliko kvalitetnih prispevkov in vabljeno predavanje prof. dr. Jureta Leskovca na temo spremljanja razširjanja virusa Covid-19 s pomočjo zaznavanja gibanja ljudi preko mobilnih omrežij. […]
![MIDEM 2019](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/logotip_MIDEM-194x120.jpg)
MIDEM 2019
The 55th International Conference on MIcroelectronics, DEvices and Materials, MIDEM 2019, continues the tradition of annual international conferences organized by the MIDEM Society. These conferences have always attracted a large number of Slovene and foreign experts working in these fields. The topics covered by the conference are quite diverse, and presenting about 60 papers in five sessions over three […]
![MIDEM 2018](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/logotip_MIDEM-194x120.jpg)
MIDEM 2018
54. mednarodna konferenca o mikroelektroniki, elementih in materialih, MIDEM 2018, nadaljuje tradicijo letnih mednarodnih konferenc, ki jih organizira društvo MIDEM. Te konference so vedno pritegnile veliko število slovenskih in tujih strokovnjakov, ki delajo na teh področjih. Teme, ki jih obravnava konferenca, so precej raznolike in predstavitev približno 60 predstavitev v petih sejah v treh dneh […]
![SEIA 2018](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/SEIA-2018.jpg)
SEIA 2018
Četrta, vsako letna mednarodna konferenca o napredku senzorjev in elektronskih instrumentov (SEIA ‘2018) je forum za predstavitev, razpravo in izmenjavo informacij ter najnovejše rezultate raziskav in razvoja v teoretičnih in eksperimentalnih raziskavah senzorjev, pretvornikov in njihovih sorodnih področij. Združuje raziskovalce, razvijalce in praktike z različnih področij, vključno z mednarodnimi znanstveniki in inženirji iz akademskih krogov, […]
![IARIA - Sensor devices](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/top_left.jpg)
IARIA – Sensor devices
Konferenca SENSORDEVICES 2018 je mednarodna konferenca o senzorskih tehnologijah, senzorjih in senzorskih napravah. Nadaljuje vrsto dogodkov, ki se osredotočajo na same senzorske naprave, tehnologijo zajemanja podatkov senzorjev, tehnologije, nadzor signalov in vmesnike ter še posebej na posebne senzorske aplikacije. Zaradi razvoja nano- in mikrotehnologij, nanomaterialov in drugih novih tehnologij predstavlja področje izdelave senzorjev ter raziskav […]
![MIDEM 2017](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/logotip_MIDEM-194x120.jpg)
MIDEM 2017
The 53rd International Conference on MIcroelectronics, DEvices and Materials, MIDEM 2017, continues the tradition of annual international conferences organized by the MIDEM Society. These conferences have always attracted a large number of Slovene and foreign experts working in these fields. 53rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials – MIDEM 2017 Conference October 4th – 6th, 2017 The conference and the […]
![MIDEM 2016](http://lmfe.fe.uni-lj.si/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/logotip_MIDEM-194x120.jpg)
MIDEM 2016
The 52nd International Conference on MIcroelectronics, DEvices and Materials, MIDEM 2016, continues the tradition of annual international conferences organized by the MIDEM Society. These conferences have always attracted a large number of Slovene and foreign experts working in these fields. The topics covered by the conference are quite diverse, and presenting about 60 papers in five sessions over three […]